Week 3: Thomson Reuters Portal MFA
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Happy Tech Tuesday! This week, we go over Thomson Reuters Portal MFA.
This week’s tip is regarding something that has been a common theme lately. When people setup multifactor authenticator for their portal and then get a new phone, their multifactor authenticator will need to be reconfigured for their new phone. The directions below will show you how to generate a temporary code for your client so that they can pair their new device with their portal and access their cloud.
Generate a Temporary 24-Hour Code
When a client has purchased a new smart phone, this new phone will not have the Duo codes from the old phone installed. The client will need you to generate a temporary 24-hour code from within the Thomson Portal in order to complete their login.
- Navigate to NetLink Solutions with the following link and sign-in with your Thomson credentials:
https://secure.netlinksolution.com/nextgen/#/home/dashboard/ - Once you get to the dashboard, open up the NetClient CS Users section.
- Click the Admin button to switch to the Admin menu.
- Click Users to bring up the NetClient CS Users search menu.
- Find your client and view MFA settings.
- In the Find field, type in the name of your client, using either the “last name, first name” format, or by searching the username.
- Select the client from the list of results.
- In the client’s Identification section that pops-up to the right, click View Settings next to Multi-factor Authentication.
- The Multi-factor Authentication window will pop-up with the client’s old smart phone device listed.
- Click Generate Temporary Code to generate their temporary 24-hour code for authentication.
- Provide this code to the client.
- Click Close to close the temporary 24-hour code window.
Client Login and Temporary 24-Hour Code
Once the client has their temporary 24-hour code, they should proceed to the Thomson Portal and login.
- Direct the client to their Thomson Portal login and proceed to have them enter their username and password, and then click Log In.
- The client’s Multi-factor Authentication window will pop-up, asking them to check their device to approve the request. They must NOT check their phone, as they will not be getting a code on their phone. Instead, instruct the client to click the “enter a code” link below the phone icon. This will allow them to enter the temporary 24-hour code that you provided them as the last step of the previous section.
- Once the client clicks the link in Step 2, the client will enter the temporary 24-hour code into the box provided and click GO.
- The client should now be completely signed into their Thomson Portal.
Manage Multi-factor Authentication
Once the client is signed into their Thomson Portal, you need to instruct the client to manage their multi-factor authentication so that their new smart phone will authenticate them in future logins.
- The client can now manage their Multi-factor Authentication.
- The client should click their name at the top-right area of the window.
- The client then should click Manage Multi-factor Authentication.
- In the Manage Multi-factor Authentication screen, the client clicks the Add Option button.
- Thomson Portal will ask the client to confirm their password.
- Have the client type in their password in the password box.
- The client should click Enter after typing their password in the password box.
- The Multi-Factor Authentication Setup begins. Have the client click Get Started to proceed.
- We recommend that the client choose Thomson Reuters Authenticator.
- The client can click links on the App Installer page to either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store to get the Authenticator app, if they do not already have it installed. The client can click Next to get to the QR Code screen.
- Once the client arrives at this QR Code screen, the client must use their Thomson Reuters Authenticator to scan the QR Code.
- From the Thomson Reuters Authenticator app, the client can click SCAN QR CODE to begin.
- The client should use their smart phone to scan the QR Code on their screen. This will complete the procedure and allow them to use their new phone to authenticate.
- If the scan was successful, the app will tell the client that it is a success and the client is now protected again.
- When the client needs to sign-in to their Thomson Portal, they can open their Thomson Reuters Authenticator to receive a code or it will be pushed directly to their phone to accept the login.